Wheelwright Missions | Big Creek Missions | Kentucky
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Big Creek Missions expands into a second location in Floyd County, Kentucky 


In 2007, the Lord opened doors for Big Creek Missions to become a full-time ministry in Leslie County, Kentucky .  Since that point, thousands of volunteers have served through the mission, blessing hundreds of families.  


Those ten years haven't been without struggles.  We've learned, we've grown, we've changed.   The Lord has guided, provided, and blessed this ministry in unimaginable ways.   


Now, exactly ten years after starting, the Lord has opened up a new door.   Kevin's dream has always been to replicate this mission in another county.  Now, that time has come!  


Fast forward to 2018, the Lord provided for us an opportunity to obtain a facility in Wheelwright Kentucky.  Building upon a previous mission's work, we will be able to serve the residents of Floyd county with the same passion and heart seen in Leslie County.   Our focus will be the same - we will continue to share the Hope of Jesus in this community!  


In March of 2019 we were able to hire full-time directors for the Wheelwright location. The Roberson family now live and serve the community of Wheelwright year-round.  God is doing some awesome things in our mountain-side town. GED Classes, opening the food pantry, prison ministry,  teen nights, and community events are just a few things we are up to in Wheelwright. 

Now, your group can serve at either of our two locations. Although the missions settings and facilities are quite different, the mission and technical details of our trips will remain much the same.  











You can read more about the Wheelwright facility here 


Read the Wiki page about Wheelwright 


Questions?  Feel free to email Bubba Roberson, Wheelwright Center Director at bubba@bigcreekmissions.com 

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